Book Reviews (2014)

Welcome to the January in Japan review page for 2014!  If you have a review of a J-Lit book, and you want the world to know about it, please leave a link, also giving the name of the book, the author and your blog, as demonstrated in the example below:

e.g. ‘Botchan’ by Natsume Soseki (Tony’s Reading List)

Thanks for your contribution 🙂

About Tony

Championing the wonders of fiction in translation... ...but quietly (the kids are asleep...).
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7 Responses to Book Reviews (2014)

  1. kamo says:

    I'm going to drop this off in the comments because it's not really a review, or a translation, more a random series of musings sparked by a couple of books I read. They are kind of relevant to everything here though, so I thought people might like a bit of a look – Why Japan is still considered The SFnal Country:


  2. Tony Malone says:

    kamo – Thanks for that 🙂 As you may have seen, I linked to it in this week's Sunday news round up – a very intriguing idea…


  3. Oh, my link doesn't look the same as everyone else's. Did I do something wrong? (Review will be up at 7.30am UK time on 22nd January.)


  4. Tony Malone says:

    Naomi – No worries – I'll fix it up (and add it to the readalong page) once the post goes live tonight 🙂


  5. Thanks, Tony. Actually read what I was supposed to do properly this time 🙂


  6. Tony Malone says:

    Naomi – See, easy 😉


  7. Just left a link to my januaryinfebruary review of Õe's The Silent Cry.


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