It’s Giveaway Time!

When I announced my intention to host January in Japan, I hinted that there might be some giveaways, and while I haven’t been lucky enough to source any publisher freebies, I’m more than happy to provide a prize or two out of my own pocket πŸ™‚

The question though is what to choose out of all the excellent Japanese books I’ve read over the past few years.Β  There are a lot of books I’ve enjoyed, and would like others to enjoy, but there is one I’ve recommended several times and will undoubtedly do so again in the future…

…and it is, of course, The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories πŸ™‚

I reviewed this collection a few years back, and its a book I’ve dipped into several times since then.Β  It’s probably the best starter anthology for J-Lit around, with a wide variety of classic and modern writers – not too old and not too heavy either πŸ˜‰

So, on to the giveaway!Β  I will be giving away a copy of the book shown above – if you want to enter, simply:

– comment on this post.

Β  – write the word ‘please‘ somewhere in your comment; manners are important πŸ™‚
Β  – a contact e-mail would be nice, but I will endeavour to track down the winner!
– commenting on my review is welcome but not obligatory πŸ˜‰

This competition is open to all, but please note that I will be using The Book Depository to send this prize, so it is limited to people living in countries where The Book Depository has free delivery.Β  Entries will close at midnight (Melbourne time) on Saturday, the 22nd of December, 2012, and I’ll be announcing the winner shortly after.

Apologies to those who already have this one – I’ll try to fit in another giveaway during the event itself.Β  To everyone who intends to enter – good luck πŸ™‚

About Tony

Championing the wonders of fiction in translation... ...but quietly (the kids are asleep...).
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19 Responses to It’s Giveaway Time!

  1. Arenel says:

    Please-please-please, I want it! (the more I say the polite word, the better, eh? =) ) It's a really nice choice for a givaway, especially for those who are not very acquainted with J-lit. Thanks for hosting it!


  2. Ally says:

    Onegai Shimasu, Tony! I would love to read the short stories. I indulged myself in three of Inoue's short stories and I loved them. Arigatou Gozaimasu! πŸ™‚


  3. Please, please, please let me get it! I haven't read that much of J-lit but I once read Shusaku Endo's collection of short stories 'Stained Glass Elegies' and loved it very much! Tons of thanks πŸ™‚


  4. Instead of please may I offer thanks for this giveaway of what is a great introduction to Japanese fiction. As you may surmise from the opening lines I already own a copy & am only here to offer my thanks & support to J in J.
    PS. To Reuven, Endo's Stained Glass Elegies is a fantastic collection isn't it, at the moment I'm reading Kiku's Prayer by the same writer.


  5. lizzysiddal says:

    My please is very pretty just like my pre-raphaelite muse! πŸ™‚


  6. Bellezza says:

    What a lovely prize! Do not enter me, dear Tony, because I bought this a year or so ago when you first reviewed it. It's a fantastic collection, and so very generous of you to gift to someone!!


  7. Carl Scott says:

    What an excellent choice. Please enter my name in the draw for the chance to win a copy of this collection. My email in spam-resistant form is: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx. Thank you.


  8. Chris says:

    Thanks for the offer and please add my name to the pile. Glad that the Book Depository will ship to Osaka!


  9. Marina Sofia says:

    I can heartily recommend this book. It was my lifesaver at the time when I had to read Japanese short stories in Japanese and was sick and tired of using the dictionary every second sentence. I am pretty sure I have a copy of it somewhere in my library, but as my library is currently scattered across three countries, it might be safer to say please think of me kindly, Tony! Arigatoo gozaimashita.


  10. Please much yes. xian(at)christiankiefer(dot)com, to follow the current protocol. You might like my novel The Infinite Tides, not so much influenced by Japanese lit but certainly influenced by solid thick literature and slow moving film.


  11. mee says:

    That's very generous Tony. Please enter me in the draw πŸ™‚


  12. lizzysiddal says:

    Tony, please remove me from the draw. As I was rummaging through the TBR last night, for a still missing volume, I unearthed a different anthology of Japanese short stories. I now know what I will be reading in January.


  13. Yes, the writing is very evocative and the spiritual themes (so finely interwoven into the text) just get me. Looking forward to reading more of him πŸ™‚


  14. JoV says:

    Yes Please please please put my name in the pile. Ever since you wrote a review of it, it has been sitting on my Amazon wishlist. Except the price at Amazon has never came down. Thanks.


  15. Jacqui (@jacquiwine) says:

    This sounds like a wonderful prize. Please enter me in the draw for this one. You can reach me @jacquiwine on twitter. Thanks! πŸ™‚


  16. Oh – what a perfect way to get more familiar with Japanese literature! Could you please enter my name for this draw? Thanks for the chance to win!

    debbie @ exurbanis {dot} com


  17. I am lamentably ignorant of Japanese literature, so I would be very please-d to get hold of this. Please enter me in the draw.


  18. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward J-Lit January and can't think of a better way to start it off then reading this anthology. I would greatly appreciate it if you would enter me in this drawing, please.


  19. Tony says:

    OK folks – time's up! The winner will be announced in a new post soon πŸ™‚


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